Happy Holidays!!
Everyone is busy getting ready for the adventure that is the Holidays so I thought I would release a Holiday gift right here! After a...
Happy Thanksgiving
I have my second film written and I am now in pre production!!! While we are not planning to start filming till 2018 I am so excited to...
Pinteresting... The Show
I am so excited to announce that I have started a new show! In it I take a pin from any of my food boards on Pinterest and judge it on...
4th Festival this Year!!
I am so happy to announce that my film "The Last Year" is in another amazing film festival! We have been selected by the Long Beach Indie...
I'm at the Chinese Theatre Mom!
I am happy to announce my film The Last Year has been selected into its second film festival and will be screening at the famous Chinese...
Happy New Year!!
We are three days into 2017 and I am so jazzed to announce that my film "The Last Year" has made it into the California Women's Film...
Election Night
So today we are voting as a nation and about to see who becomes the new president of the United States. As I do not love to talk about...
Hospitals and Pirates
I am so happy to announce I just finished filming "Jack and Me" a "Finding Neverland" inspired film that mixes the imaginational world of...
Another Day in the Indie Film World
All this week I am on set of the Indie film Jack and Me. It is a thought provoking film in which I play a young Mom living everyday to...
Broncos Win the Super Bowl!
Okay I had nothing to do with the Super Bowl but as a Colorado girl I had to give a shout out to Peyton Manning and the rest of the...